Conferences, Workshops & Institutes

[116] February 4th: “Modeling COVID-19 in the Basque Country: from introduction to control”. PLENARY TALK (online) at12th International Conference Dynamical Systems Applied to Biology and Natural Sciences (VIRTUAL DSABNS2021), BCAM, Basque Country, Spain.

[115] April 29th: “Modeling COVID-19 in the Basque Country: from introduction to control”. PLENARY TALK at Conference for Mathematical Population Dynamics, Ecology and Evolution (MPDEE21), Aix-Marseille Université, France.

[114] June 16th: “Modeling COVID-19 in the Basque Country: from introduction to control”. CONTRIBUTED TALK at Society for Mathematical Biology Annual Meeting (Virtual SMB 2021), University of California Riverside (UCR), USA. *SMB Contributed Talk Award* 

[113] July 16th: “Modeling COVID-19 in the Basque Country: from introduction to control”. PLENARY TALK at Symposium on Biomathematics (SYMOMATH 2021), Indonesia.

[112] July 22th: “On the origin of complex dynamics in multi-strain dengue models”. PLENARY TALK at Mini-Symposium on Mathematical Biology, International
CMMSE conference and the First conference on high performance computing (CHPC), Cadiz, Spain.

[111] July 26th: “Modeling COVID-19 in the Basque Country: from introduction to control”. PLENARY TALK at Mini-Symposium on Mathematical Biology, International
CMMSE conference and the First conference on high performance computing (CHPC), Cadiz, Spain.

[110] August 24th: “The role of mild and asymptomatic infections on COVID-19 vaccines performance: a modeling study”. CONTRIBUTED TALK at  European Dynamics Days, Nice, France.

[109] October 13th: “On the origin of complex dynamics in multi-strain dengue models”. PLENARY TALK at “Infectious Disease Outbreaks Webinar”, Bordeaux University, France.

[108] October 30th: “Modeling COVID-19 in the Basque Country: from introduction to control and beyond”. PLENARY TALK (online) at Indo-US Conference -II “A changing trajectory into the future, from past to post COVID-19 pandemic”, DMACS, Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, India.

[107] November 2th: “Modeling COVID-19 in the Basque Country: from introduction to control”. PLENARY TALK (online) at Interdisciplinary Symposium “Prediction, Death and Memory: Numbers | Spaces | Texts”. This event was organized by Bishop Grosseteste University, UK, CSIC / ICMAT, Spain, University of Brighton, UK.

[106] November 11th: “Modeling COVID-19 in the Basque Country: from introduction to control”. PLENARY TALK (online) at  “Mathematics of COVID-19” Webinar, Getulio Vargas Foundation, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

[105] December 9th: “On the origin of complex dynamics in multi-strain dengue models”. PLENARY TALK at Conference on Recent Developments in Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences (ICRDMMS 2021)  held by Calcutta Mathematical Society, India.

[104] December 20th: “Modeling COVID-19 in the Basque Country: from introduction to control”. PLENARY TALK (online) at  XVI SEMBIOMAT – International Biomathematics Seminar organized by the Peruvian Society of Applied and Computational Mathematics (SPMAC), Peru.
